Tantric Massage and Healing

The headline “tantric massage” covers a vast range of services. As its worst, it can be a synonym for, well, a heartless hand-job, more or less. I often find it difficult to put into words what I offer. What do I offer? A recent client asked me, surprised: “But how do you do it?!” Do – what? I’m beginning to believe that the quality of PRESENCE is slowly going amiss these days. Meeting a new client is in a way a truly magical and wonderful encounter. Two people who have never met before sit together in a beautiful space, sip a cup of tea, and in these five minutes develop trust to take off their clothes in each other’s presence, and one allows to be intimately touched and aroused by the other.

PRESENCE is what I try to bring to the situation. I feel I’m available to my client on many levels: I sense and feel, draw on my skills and knowledge with a mixture of instinct and rational thought, and he/she can count on my love and respect. The client shows me the rhythm his/her body needs, and how long to stay where, invites me here or there, or puzzles me when some areas don’t seem to be very responsive. Verbal feedback comes in at times, encouragement, images.

I was talking to a younger therapist the other day, who summed up her work that clients come to her with problems which she can alleviate for them. Luckily, tantric massage clients often don’t come with problems, but even if they do, I am meeting them on the same level.

We ALL have problems. Problems seem to occur when we deviate too far from the path which life has foreseen for us. Healing is grace, magical. Even doctors can’t heal, e.g. if the patient has lost his will to live, or is convinced he or she must die. We can ALL do with healing, because we all stray from our paths, fearful, controlling or stubborn. Good healers seem to evoke our positive qualities, to make healing possible, and give us a mirror reflection of where we are currently. A lot of it happens on the physical level only, to show the body what it’s at – Shiatsu uses this. Ideally, healing will involve increased awareness though, which is cognitive, too. Sacred Sexual Healers – I count myself as one of them – don’t HEAL. They facilitate healing. They channel from the universe, or from wherever, the exact thing this person needs. HOW this works – please don’t ask! It does.

About Sarani

Experienced and skilled Tantric Massage Practitioner and Certified Sexological Bodyworker in East London, Leyton.
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